What We Do

Breakfast Club
We serve breakfast three times per week at encampments in Santa Cruz. By bringing hot, nourishing meals and basic hygiene supplies to those living outside, we honor one another's humanity. Sign up here to help with cooking or serving.

Bread & Roses Cafe
We are fundraising to open a free cafe to meet daily needs of people experiencing homelessness and poverty. The locationwill offer basic supplies and a sense of beauty and belonging, so that joy and dignity are upheld for all.
We are not alone any more. Heaven is a banquet and life is a banquet, too,
even with a crust, where there is companionship.
We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.
Dorothy Day
Contact Bread & Roses
mailing: PO Box 2142 Santa Cruz CA 95063